50+ older workers
We could be forgiven for thinking that the place of older workers in the labour market is rather contradictory. However the lack of jobs is severely impacting this part of the population in recent years.

Climate Change
The ESF-Works Climate change Theme focuses on new jobs and new skills to provide opportunities, and takes an in-depth look at the employment and skills aspects of moving to a low-carbon economy.

Employer Engagement
Strong working relationships with employers are fundamental to the work of the ESF, helping to secure paid employment for unemployed people and to upskill workforces to overcome future challenges.

Families and households
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has now released details of the new ESF provision specifically targeted at families with multiple problems experiencing worklessness.

Sustained job outcomes
ESF contracts during the 2014-2020 programme have included more and more emphasis not just on finding work for participants, but on keeping them in work as well.

Gender equality in work
The ESF has always set a high priority on freeing access to the labour market and encouraging people of all kinds to achieve their full potential.

Do you have any questions?
But how does the ESF work? In this ESF Funding FAQs section, you can find out more about how ESF funding is delivered across England.